
Thursday, April 8, 2010

the Mines, after so long

that morning abah and the family went back kedah. sarah followed too. such a dodo~ asik cuti je uni dia nih. jeles sedikit... anyways, they took a pic b4 heading back to the north. sarah tiba2 malu amik gambar. so not in pic. sorry mgm...

we've not been to the Mines for quite a long time. since we got married i think. the place have changed from what we remembered it used to be. they already utilised the other block for parking space. so, now at least there are more parking spaces than b4.

they've also renovated the mall, having a new wing. it seems like nowadays all malls are extending their spaces with 'new wing' concept. remembered it started with OU, then Pyramid, and now Mines too. somewhere along the way, MV came up with Gardens. did they? or was it already there but i didnt notice? ok. whatever. nvm. point is, the malls are expanding. biz getting better i suppose. hurmm...

ok. this is getting boring. just have too much in my mind right now. i'll just let pics tell their story.

mmhhh, now this pic reminds me... i find that place not 'parents with baby/toddler' friendly. we parked at the new block. they dont have proper ramps and u have to carry the stroller over through certain obstacles just to get to the shopping center. fine. thatz still acceptable. just cant accept the condition of the Nursery Room. perghhh... stink is one thing. but wet and slippery floor too?? come on~! seriously. the management really have to do something about this. itz dangerous in there. (and did i mention it stinks?!)

guess thatz it for now. maybe i'l put up more interesting stories later. so till then, end.


puteri nur sarah said...

muahahahah jeles huhhhhh!!!!

ps:mesti la malu nk amik gambar,tgh pakai tshirt besaq n ikat sanggul mcm bibik hahaha

daly said...

tudia terserlah identiti sebenaq sarah.. susah nak buat dia mengaku dia tu bibik.. good job HAFIZ! hahaha

ZoOLoO said...

AHAHAH i'll be neutral here. no comment. ahahha